Net Blow-Up

This week I came across Net Blow-Up an incredibly intriguing inflated installation by Sven Jonke, Christoph Katzler, and Nikola Radeljković of Numen / For Use.

Numen / For Use, Net Blow Up

You might have seen some pictures floating around of people "floating around" in Moscow, Belgium, or Berlin as they clambered over black netting that's held suspended well above the ground by various rigid structural components . . . well the trio behind this elevated scrambling have taken their on-going Net project to the next level in Yokohama with their most recent iteration: Net Blow-Up, an inflated marshmallow-esque object which provides a soft, flexible structural support for the nets that are held in tension within.

This looks seriously fun. What do you think chaps, want to bring Net to New York? Yes please!

Numen / For Use, Net Blow Up, Tomohisa Tasho Photo by Tomohisa Tasho

Numen / For Use, Net Blow Up

Numen / For Use, Net Blow Up

Sven Jonke, Christoph Katzler, Nikola Radeljković, Numen/For Use Sven Jonke, Christoph Katzler, and Nikola Radeljković, the collaborative trio behind Numen / For Use.

* Images courtesy of Numen / For Use, with the exterior photo taken by Tomohisa Tasho.